My field-oriented research aims to conserve biodiversity. Specifically, my scientific objectives are to 1.) identify habitat requirements of at-risk wildlife species, 2.) determine the effectiveness of management actions meant to benefit ecosystem health, and 3.) evaluate established and emerging wildlife monitoring methods. I've recently focused on birds in urban and wetland ecosystems, though look forward to broadening my experience.

A secondary interest of mine is to analyze functions and characteristics of vocalizations of wildlife, especially when doing so can improve monitoring efforts and/or create a more harmonious human-wildlife interface.

Below is a list of my published, peer-reviewed scientific articles, as well as some articles that are in the works.



  • Brewer, D.E., Elisabeth B. Webb, Anne E. Mini, and S. Keith McKnight. Developing distribution models for a secretive and data deficient species using Bayesian networks: Does expert elicitation improve prediction?